31 May

7 home-safety tips before the holiday!

7 home-safety tips before the holiday!

Unexpected events may happen at any time. Needless to say, it is best for you to take some precautions before your holiday and weekend getaways! Here are 7 easy-to-do tips to help secure your home!

1. Install a CCTV system that supports mobile application for real-time viewing and video playback

2. Install a burglar alarm system to deter crimes. Ensure that the system supports mobile application for real-time monitoring.

3. Install window security bars from the inside

4. Do not let letters or newspapers pile up in your mailbox

5. Use timers to ensure your house is well-lit

6. Lock/chain the gate from the inside

7. Get to know your neighbors. Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your house while you are away.

By following these tips, you can deter break-ins and gain peace of mind while you are away from home! Our alarm and CCTV experts at Seaworld Supplies & Trading Co.,Ltd are always at your service. Your peace of mind is our success!

Think security, think Seaworld.