18 Oct

The Importance of CCTV Camera Systems

CCTV cameras are becoming more popular in today’s society due to easier installations, more attainable pricing and product variations and customizations. Security cameras are now commonly seen in both private and public properties, ranging from small townhouses to large-scale factories.

Despite the positive changes in our society, crime rates are continuing to rise. Nowadays, serious and violent crimes are becoming more common and these crimes can occur at any time. Therefore, it is important to secure your home and protect you and your loved ones, through the use of new technologies.


 Advantage of CCTV

1) To deter and prevent crimes: Intruders will most likely avoid houses or properties with security cameras

2) To monitor a person or an event: Security cameras can be used to monitor different activities, such as to observe the babysitter while you are away or to monitor the quality of service given by your staffs. Users can monitor certain events directly from their smartphones in order to effectively manage a situation.

3) To be used as evidence: When crimes occurred, a security camera’s footage can be used to identify the suspect and used as evidence in the court of law.

4) To lower insurance premiums: Insurance companies view houses with security cameras as more safe and secured. Therefore, they will charge home owners with less premiums since these homes are less prone burglary.